I had the privilege to attend the York Fair with Mrs. Barzydlo to complete two SAE visits and see what Dover Area High School Agriculture Students were up to at the Fair.
The FFA chapter was well represented by their first place educational display, FFA members showing animals, and participants in the Dairy-Skill-a-thon that I got to assist with.
Additionally, I met with the York Extension Agent Linda Spahr, who was incredibly knowledgeable and her 4H members loved her. Also, we visited the Agriculture Education Building where the Chapter Displayed their Officers with the #IamFFA movement to encourage people to join FFA.
I was able to ask Mrs. Barzydlo about all the things an Ag Teacher does to prepare for the fair and assist with while the fair is going on. I also asked her what she does to enjoy the fair for herself, which she replied that first you must rotate responsibilities if you have a multi-teacher program, and second you must set aside one day which you come with your family and stick to a no-business policy.
It's safe to safe my experience at the York Fair was AWESOME, and I can't wait to help at my future program's local fair as well.
The relationships with our county extension educators can be so very powerful!