Thursday, April 18, 2019

Week 15 Student Teaching

Feedback & Goodbyes

This week I wrapped up my student teaching experience and said goodbye to my last group of students. Large Animal Science was the class that I had total freedom in, was my first class, and was the content area that I was most comfortable in. Therefore, I had no excuse not to do a survey of what the students thought about how I taught in that class. 

The last ten minutes were dedicated to taking the survey, saying goodbye, and signing my graduation cap. The survey was built around the 5 characteristics of great teachers by Rosenshine and Furst (otherwise known as BECOV.)

Unfortunately only 12 of the 24 students completed the survey which was completely anonymous. Regardless students ranked the 5 elements of BECOV on a 1(disagree) to 5 (agree) scale, and had two short answer questions. 

Here are The Results:

It is obvious that students that greatly enjoyed my class completed the survey, and I was appreciative of their feedback. In the future I plan to work on expressing my enthusiasm and curbing the energy that is present in the room. Frequently I found it difficult to handle energetic students that were off task, and it clearly impacted my other students. 

What is your advice for curbing off-task students back into content if they are completely disengaged and refuse to return to the task at hand?


  1. It looks like they were honest in their responses. This type of feedback can be very useful to your growth as an educator. I hope you continue to sell student feedback in the future, as well!

  2. To address your question, I will connect with teachers or counselors they "click" with and see if they can give me insight on how to get the students on task. I will try different motivational techniques to find one that clicks. I will also connect with coaches, bosses or club advisors to see if they can provide motivation to the student.
